"I TAKE Candle!"
Kill 12 Kobold Diggers.Kobold Digger slain (12) |
Back before those damned kobolds gave me a permanent limp I used to be William Pestle's number one candle supplier. Hell, I even came up with the line "I TAKE CANDLE!" Yea, that was me. Kobold would say "You no take candle!" and I'd just respond "I TAKE CANDLE!" and then bash their brains in!<Jimb drifts off for a second.>
Good times... The best times.
Now? Can't even use the bathroom without assistance. You want to help me? Kill me some kobolds. You'll find a good load of 'em in the nearby mine.
You can choose one of these awards:Kobold Basher | Wax Catcher | Kobold Candle | Kobold Sticker |
I just want those kobolds dead. Dead!Completion
Oh SWEET justice! Killin' those kobolds won't make me walk like a normal person and it sure won't get me a job, but damn does it feel good.<Jimb reaches into a crusty old sack.>
Here, I think I got somethin' for you from my kobold huntin' days. Maybe you can put it to good use.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 900 experience (1080at max. level)