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Pushing Forward

Use the Rune of Fire to destroy 4 Constriction Totems in the Frostmane Front.
Constriction Totems burned (4)
Provided Item:
Rune of Fire


Most of the mountaineers and steam tanks in Dun Morogh are battling along the Frostmane Front, which is approaching us from the southeast. We can barely hold the trolls back, let alone advance into their village and take on their leader.

They've blocked our path of approach with mysterious totems that choke mountaineers who come in range, leaving the victims helpless against their enemies. This stone is inscribed with a rune of fire; it should be able to destroy the totems and free our mountaineers.


You can choose one of these awards:
Camping Knife
Sharp Axe
Gnarled Short Staff
Also, you get:175


Was the rune able to destroy the totems? Were we too late?


Finally, some good news from the Frostmane Front. I'll have the mountaineers press their attack immediately. Now, we must signal our gnomish allies at Steelgrill to start their advance.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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