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Obtain Fizzle's Orb from Fizzle Darkclaw in Thunder Ridge.
Fizzle's Orb


The flood to the southwest wiped out one of the few Burning Blade camps that still pockmark Durotar. This one was led by a goblin named Fizzle Darkclaw, and believe me, we're better off without him.

Darkclaw, however, did possess an orb that the Horde is interested in procuring. Who knows why... I leave that to the warlocks. All I know is that I need that orb.


You can choose one of these awards:
Fizzle's Gloves
Enforcer's Gloves
Also, you get:350


Run into any trouble on the way?


I ask for an orb, and you bring half of the goblin's arm with you? I like the way you work.

Tell you what... you've already given me a hand. Allow me to return the favor.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 850 experience (510at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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