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Gaur Icehorn

Defeat Gaur Icehorn in combat.
Gaur defeated


I wouldn't normally keep a taunka as a captive, due to their close relationship with the Horde... but this one is a traitor, and a criminal to boot. Exiled by his own tribe, he canoed down to Azshara and was found stealing supplies from Valormok. He would have been put to the axe had I not been standing by, wallet in hand.

Gaur is my winningest gladiator, <class>. I'll bet you 10 silver that you can't beat him.


Also, you get:7


You don't stand a chance against Gaur.


Fine, here's the money... but you'd better make yourself scarce before I reconsider my policy on keeping Horde slaves.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1100 experience (660at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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