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Griswold Hanniston

Defeat Griswold Hanniston in combat.
Griswold defeated


Griswold, chained up over there on the cliffs, is my newest gladiator. We found him just south of here, sniffing around with Northwatch soldiers. I had my men nab him up, and now he works for me.

He looks tough enough, but he hasn't really been battle-tested yet. Go pick a fight with him so I can see if he's worth keeping around.


Also, you get:350


How did you do?


I'm at a crossroads now, <name>... you defeated him easily in combat, but then again, I did get him for free, and he's pretty cheap to feed. Maybe we'll keep him around for a bit.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 850 experience (510at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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