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Thunder Down Under

Attach a Mageweave Tether to 8 Drowned Thunder Lizards in Thunder Ridge.
Drowned Thunder Lizard removed (8)
Provided Item:
Mageweave Tether


Our army needs water, and luckily the elements gave us plenty of that when the cataclysm hit. The water that filled up the canyon to the southwest should do the trick.

Unfortunately, the corpses of thunder lizards still sit at the bottom of the canyon, and their electrical discharges are a bit too dangerous. I've got grunts that can lift them out of the water, but we need someone agile enough to attach the other end of the rope. Are you my man, <name>?


Also, you get:350


I need that canyon clean, <name>. Water is normally scarce in Durotar... we should take advantage of this.


The electricity was only one of the dangers. If those carcasses rot too long under the water, that entire source becomes undrinkable.

Well done, <class>.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 850 experience (510at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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