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That's the End of That Raptor

Slay the raptor called Screamslash.
Screamslash slain


Many creatures died when the water came rushin' into the valley. The raptors, however, thrived. They're clever predators, and they've been living off the misfortune of the other creatures.

One of the raptors is particularly cruel. He's killing the little animals and letting them rot in the water without even eating them! He goes by the name of Screamslash, and if we're not careful, he could seriously disrupt the balance of nature.

Travel north, slay him, and give his body back to nature.


You will receive:
Zen'Taji's Cloak
Also, you get:6


The raptor has always been a quick adapter.


Something happened to Screamslash when the cataclysm hit, Zen'Taji thinks. He wasn't always so violent and irrational.

Thank you for your help, <name>. Zen'Taji gonna get back to his studying now.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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