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Raggaran's Rage

Kill 4 Razormane Quilboar and 4 Razormane Scouts.
Razormane Quilboar slain (4)
Razormane Scout slain (4)


The quilboar are a stain on the land that not even the river can wash away. They told me to evacuate, but I told them that my job was not yet done.

Hrrrraaagh! I hate quilboar so much! Will you help me kill them?


Also, you get:225


I hate quilboar!


<Raggaran appears to have calmed down a bit since your last encounter.>

Good, good. One step closer to eliminating those beady-eyed, basket-wearing, hog-nosed, two-toed...

<Raggaran's anger is clearly rising again.>

...hunchbacked, squealing, prickly... no-good... gnome-loving... GREEEAAAAGH! Quilboar!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 700 experience (420at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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