Lost in the Floods
Use Thonk's Spyglass to search for survivors in Southfury Watershed.Find Raggaran | |
Find flooded hut | |
Find Misha | |
Durotar Telescope Quest KC 4 slain |
Thonk's Spyglass |
The recent cataclysmic events have done more than wash a few boats onto our shore, <class>. The Southfury River has overflowed, and Durotar's entire western basin is now flooded.There are still people out there. I've been searching for a while, but haven't been able to find anything. Would you mind using my telescope and taking a look for yourself?
Also, you get:175Progress
What have you seen?Completion
I see... so the trick is that you need to put the LITTLE end of the spyglass up to your eye. I'll remember that piece of information.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 550 experience (330at max. level)