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Quick Facts
  • Level: 7
  • Requires level: 4
  • Side: Horde
  • Sharable
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Rescue 4 Injured Razor Hill Grunts.
Injured Razor Hill Grunt Rescued (4)


You've got to help us. The elementals... they're stronger than they look, and they come in waves. They took us completely by surprise, and we were overcome.

Many of my fellow grunts lay dying on the beach. If you could save them... I would be grateful, as would Gar'Thok back in Razor Hill.


You will receive:
Razor Hill Grunt's Bracers
Also, you get:175


I've already spoken with several orcs that have returned from the beach. All of them told me that you were the one who saved them.

You've done a noble task today, <name>. Lok'tar ogar! For the Horde!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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