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From Bad to Worse

Kill 6 Northwatch Marines, 6 Northwatch Sharpshooters, and Lieutenant Palliter in Tiragarde Keep.
Northwatch Marine slain (6)
Northwatch Sharpshooter slain (6)
Lieutenant Palliter slain


Tiragarde Keep lies to the southeast of here, on Durotar's eastern shore. You probably passed it on your trip from Sen'jin Village. This castle has been a thorn in my side for too long.

Humans from Kul Tiras lived in the castle for years, thwarting my every attempt to crush them. When the cataclysm hit us, the shore was wiped out, along with the castle and all the humans. However, these upstarts from Northwatch have moved in to take their place!

<Gar'Thok roars in aggravation.>


You can choose one of these awards:
Razor Hill Blade
Kul Tiras Leggings
Tiragarde Vest
Also, you get:175


You have your orders, <name>. The safety of Durotar is in question. Complete the task before you or hang your head in shame.

Show your honor and defeat the humans of Tiragarde Keep.


Word of your bravery travels fast, <class>. Tales of your victory at Tiragarde Keep will be heralded in Orgrimmar.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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