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Quick Facts
  • Level: 6
  • Requires level: 4
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Bom'bay
  • End: Bom'bay
  • Sharable
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Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile

Obtain 6 samples of Scorpid Venom by placing the Poison Extraction Totem near a Clattering Scorpid.
Sample of Scorpid Venom Collected (6)
Provided Item:
Poison Extraction Totem


Next, we gonna get some poison from the scorpions that be runnin' around here. But don't you worry, Bom'bay's not gonna let you get hurt!

Bom'bay's got a big totem that you gonna stick in the ground when the scorpion strikes. The totem gonna suck up all the poison, and you gonna walk away still breathing. Sound good?


Also, you get:125


You got the jujus, ya?


This is it! The scorpid juju Bom'bay been waitin' for! Now we gonna fix you right up, <class>.

You come back to Bom'bay when you be needin' a pickup. Bom'bay got the spells to fix ya!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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