Primal Strike
Train Primal Strike from Shikrik in the Valley of Trials. Look for a training dummy near Shikrik and practice using Primal Strike 3 times.Practice Primal Strike (3) |
I will teach you the art of the primal strike. By following these steps, you can deal additional damage to your foes with your weapon. Speak with me again and I will show you the way.After your lessons are complete, practice using the training dummies outside the Den.
You will receive:Rockbitten Gloves |
We must continue your training before pressing forward, young <name>.Completion
Very well. Now that you know how to speak with the elements, we will test your bond with them.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 100 experience (60at max. level)
- 75 Reputation withOrgrimmar