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  • Level: 2
  • Requires level: 1
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Gornek
  • End: Gornek
2. Cutting Teeth
Open Quests
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Cutting Teeth

Slaughter 6 Mottled Boars.
Mottled Boar slaughtered (6)


The first order of business will be to put a little strength in your backbone. I could send you out to the Barrens to hunt kodo, but well, in all honesty, you're more useful to us alive than dead.

I believe you'll be of more use to us slaughtering the boars you'll find in the farms to the north and northeast of here.


You can choose one of these awards:
Mottled Bracers
Boar Hide Belt
Bragger's Gauntlets
Also, you get:65


I hope you haven't returned to try and convince me that you have completed your task, <name>? No, of course not. I would think better of you


Hmmm, not bad, <name>. But don't let it get to your'll fight tougher than boars in your career.

Nonetheless, you've proven yourself well, and your next trial will be against a considerably more dangerous opponent, so you'll need some extra protection.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 200 experience (120at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar



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