Rest and Relaxation
Speak with Innkeeper Farley at the Lion's Pride Inn.Description
Every adventurer should rest when exhaustion sets in - and there is no finer place to get rest and relaxation than at the Lion's Pride Inn!My best friend, Innkeeper Farley, runs the Lion's Pride. If you tell him I sent you, he may give you the special discounted rates on food and drink.
To find the Lion's Pride Inn, travel south along the road from here -- you can't miss it!
You can choose one of these awards:Goldshire Iron Bracer | Innkeeper's Gloves | Lion's Pride Bracer |
Small Pumpkin | Refreshing Spring Water |
Rest and relaxation for the tired and cold -- that's our motto! Please, take a seat by the fire and rest your weary bones.Would you like to try a sampling of some of our fine food and drink?
Upon completion of quests, get:- 50 experience (30at max. level)
- 25 Reputation withStormwind