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The Symbol of Life



You will receive:
Symbol of Life


Make haste, <name>, more than one life hangs in the balance if you fail.

If for some reason you fail to help Gazin and Henze, then return to me and I will give you another Symbol of Life for your travels.

Don't mistake my aid as simple charity, you must prove yourself worthy like any other <class> and continual failure may reflect upon you later.



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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
  • This is an outdated version of TauriShoot. You might want to post to the new version instead.
  • Ne itt jelents hibákat! Erre a Bug Tracker szolgál.
  • Ez a TauriShoot egy elavult verziója. Lehet, hogy inkább az új oldalon oldalon szeretnél kommentelni.

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