The Tome of Divinity
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Search the outer ring of Ironforge for John Turner.Description
Your task then, <name>, is to find someone here in Ironforge that is in need of aid. Someone who is pure of heart and motive. Perhaps someone helping others. Perhaps someone in need of a guide. Regardless, the person must have noble intent and be relying on your kindness.Do this, and return to me when you are finished. Then, we shall discuss more of your path and what it means to be a paladin of the Light. I will remain here in the temple for your return. Other paladins will need my guidance also.
THE ORPHANAGE OF STOR... oh, sorry, didn't mean to shout at you, sir.My name is John Turner. How are you?
Good, good, glad to hear things go well for you. I've had a long day of work already, and I miss my wife terribly, but that's the price you have to pay when there are mouths to feed and backs to clothe.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 1937.5 experience (4650at max. level)