The Coast Isn't Clear
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Kill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and return to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse.Murloc Coastrunner slain (7) | |
Murloc Warrior slain (7) | |
Murloc Tidehunter slain (7) | |
Murloc Oracle slain (7) |
You probably noticed all of the shipwrecks along the coast. The Great Sea is treacherous indeed. The coast of Westfall needs to be kept clear, so that if sailors find their way to our beaches, they are safe. The Murlocs are trouble though.Kill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and I will see to it that you are rewarded.
Also, you get:11Progress
Kill 7 Tidehunters, 7 Warriors, 7 Oracles and 7 Coastrunners and I will see to it that you are rewarded.Completion
Well done, <name>. You have quite a knack for combat. Thanks to you the Coast of Westfall is a safer place.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 1450 experience (87at max. level)