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1. Spice Bread Stuffing
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Spice Bread Stuffing

Cook 5 servings of Spice Bread Stuffing and then bring them to William Mullins at the feasting area in the courtyard above the Undercity.
Prepare Spice Bread Stuffing (5)
Spice Bread Stuffing (5)


Our spice bread stuffing is the cornerstone of the Pilgrim's Bounty table. The recipe dates from better times in Lordaeron and now it has taken its place in the traditional meal.

If you are already a cook, pay a visit to the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor to get your copy of the bountiful cookbook and all the local ingredients you'll need to prepare holiday fare. And if you're not yet a cook, there's no better time to start!

Once you've made the stuffing, bring it to William Mullins over near the tables.


The tables could really use more of that spice bread stuffing.


It's a chore keeping all these tables stocked. If you stop and think about it, it's strange going to so much trouble when we needn't eat anymore.

<William shrugs.>

Tradition is tradition.


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