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Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Locate Captain Sanders' chest and open it for your reward.
Provided Item:
Final Clue to Sanders' Treasure


Sure enough, deep within the Old Jug there is another clue to Sanders' treasure. The ink has run in some places and the paper smells like whiskey but you can make out some of the text: Now that ye found me ol' whiskey jug, you're almost to the treasure! Just face West from the bottle and walk down to the shore. Once ye get to the water, keep going! Swim straight west till you find the island with me treasure chest!


You will receive:
Silver Bar
Captain Sanders' Shirt
Captain Sanders' Sash
Captain Sanders' Booty Bag
Also, you get:8


The hinges on the old chest are rusty but they still work. You force the chest open and take the booty.



Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1150 experience (69at max. level)



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