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Soothing the Elements

Place the Charged Soothing Totem at the top of the reef near the Blazing Strand and protect it until the ritual is complete.
Ritual of Soothing complete
Provided Item:
Energized Soothing Totem


Their fiery spirits are contained in the totem now. Take it to the top of the Jagged Reef near the Blazing Strand and set it on the ground.

The totem's soothing energies will slowly wash over the elementals until their fury simmers down to calm.

You must protect the totem, for fire does not react favorably to the ritual of soothing.


You can choose one of these awards:
Soothsaying Vest
Fiery Bracers
Also, you get:9


We are in your debt, <name>. Perhaps now, with Malfurion's help, we can save the rest of Darkshore.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1250 experience (75at max. level)


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