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The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withThe Aldormust be at least Neutral
Assist Commander Arcus and the Aldor in defending the Altar of Sha'tar. Once all of the Dragonmaw forces have been defeated, return to Overlord Mor'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp with the Aldor Medals.
Dragonmaw Forces Defeated
Aldor Medals
Suggested Players [3]
Provided Item:
Aldor Medals


Take these Aldor medals. Mor'ghor will need proof of victory once this is over. He will recognize them as coming from the corpses of fallen Aldor soldiers.

Now all that remains is to use the signal flare to alert the Dragonmaw raiders. We will crush them when you are ready. Just give me the word.


Also, you get:880


Did you crush them under your boot, commander?


<Mor'ghor laughs.>

HAH! I knew you wouldn't let me down, commander! I want you to lead a raid on the Altar of Sha'tar at least once per day. They will have no choice but to leave Shadowmoon!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 15800 experience (948at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation withNetherwing



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