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1. Kill Them All!
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Kill Them All!

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withThe Aldormust be at least Neutral
Deliver news of your mission and the Dragonmaw Flare Gun to Anchorite Ceyla at the Altar of Sha'tar.
Dragonmaw Flare Gun
Provided Item:
Dragonmaw Flare Gun


Commander <name>, stand at attention! You are to take a battalion of Skybreakers and sack the Aldor outpost located northwest of our beloved Black Temple. With the Altar of Sha'tar destroyed, our lines of communication to our posts at Coilskar will once more be open.

Go now! Use this flare gun to signal the Skybreakers for the attack!


Settle down, child.


It is good that you came to us. Perhaps we can use this attack to our advantage and turn the tables on the Dragonmaw.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 12650 experience (759at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withNetherwing



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