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A Special Thank You

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withOgri'lamust be at least Friendly
Speak with Jho'nass at Ogri'la in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


You honor us with your efforts on our behalf. And now there is someone that we would like for you to meet.

Jho'nass is our most trusted quartermaster. He maintains a stock of goods that we provide for sale to only the most dedicated of friends to Ogri'la.

You are one such friend, <name>.

When you find the time, go and speak with him. As we understand it, he has prepared a little something for you as a token of our appreciation.


You will receive:
Ogri'la Care Package
Also, you get:44


Hey, man , that's great. We hear you've been doing good things. That's cool. We've got a feeling that you're going to make things right for us here in Ogri'la, and keep us safe, and everything nice and mellow.

Here, take this. It's nothing much, just a care package that we whipped up as a thanks for your effort.

Feel free to look around at our goods. We have a lot of really choice stuff that you're gonna want to get.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1250 experience (75at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withOgri'la


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