The Soul Cannon of Reth'hedron
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:- Your reputation withNetherwingmust be at least 6000
Felsteel Bar (2) | |
Adamantite Frame | |
Khorium Power Core | |
Flawless Arcane Essence |
Illidari Lord Balthas' Instructions |
Reth'hedron now lords over the Twilight Ridge of Nagrand. An eredar of such power being loosed upon this world does not bode well for the Illidari. Alas, we do not have the resources required to slay Reth'hedron. Not with the war the Sha'tar have brought to the Black Temple. No... I have a better plan.You will subdue Reth'hedron, banishing him back through the Twilight Portal. For this a soul cannon must be fashioned.
Return to me with the materials on this list.
Have you gathered the components required to fashion the soul cannon?Completion
<Balthas deftly combines the components you brought him.>You are now ready for the second phase of the plan, captain.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 12650 experience (759at max. level)
- 500 Reputation withNetherwing