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Disrupting the Twilight Portal

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withNetherwingmust be at least Honored
Overlord Mor'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley wants you to kill 20 Deathshadow Agents.
Deathshadow Agent slain (20)


One of your responsibilities as a captain of Dragonmaw is to snuff out Burning Legion activity in Outland. It is your duty to silence those that defy Lord Illidan!

The demons foolishly attempt to stabilize the portal found on the Twilight Ridge of western Nagrand. They must pay for their treachery, and you will be the orc that collects on their debt.

Travel to the Twilight Ridge and lay waste to its inhabitants. You will be responsible for making at least one attack per day on their fortifications.


Also, you get:440


It was our lord, after all, that banished the demons from Outland and closed their portals. All should bow down to the magnificence of Illidan.


Excellent work, captain! Lord Illidan will hear of your heroism!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 12650 experience (759at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation withNetherwing


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