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1. The Great Murkblood Revolt
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The Great Murkblood Revolt

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withNetherwingmust be at least Friendly
Take the Murkblood Escape Plans to the Mistress of the Mines.
Murkblood Escape Plans
Provided Item:
Murkblood Escape Plans


This document outlines a revolt planned by the Murkblood broken. It seems that the dragon was to be used as a diversion to draw attention away from their escape. Looking at all of the corpses littering the mine, it would be safe to assume that their plans failed.

Return the escape plans to the Mistress of the Mines.


What's this?


Excellent work, overseer. Mor'ghor will hear of your outstanding service to the Dragonmaw.

Now back to these Murkblood dogs. They plan an escape, eh? Dare they defy the one true lord of Outland? Their masters will pay for this!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 12650 experience (759at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withNetherwing


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