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Building a Better Gryphon

Speak with Brunn Flamebeard at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley.


I've heard that the Wildhammer dwarves maintain a gryphon roost at their fortress down in southern Shadowmoon Valley. If you're going down there, would you speak to them on my behalf? I have some ideas on how to improve their gryphons!

Why stop at armoring them when you could attach an altimeter, a rear view mirror, and rocket? Imagine how fast you could go with one of those babies strapped to your gryphon's back! I'll call it the TurboGryphon 8000!


<Brunn's face reddens until its color is indistinguishable from his beard.>

He wants to do WHAT to my gryphons?

If that little pipsqueak puts anything other than a saddle on them, I'll personally travel up to Blade's Edge and stuff that rocket o' his down his throat!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1150 experience (69at max. level)


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