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1. In Service of the Illidari
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In Service of the Illidari

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation withNetherwingmust be at least Neutral
Travel to Netherwing Ledge and deliver the Illidari Service Papers to Overlord Mor'ghor at Dragonmaw Base Camp.
Illidari Service Papers
Provided Item:
Illidari Service Papers
The following spell will be cast on you:
Dragonmaw Illusion


Netherwing Ledge... What was once a bastion of sanctuary for the Netherwing is now home to the Dragonmaw. While the orcs may have control of our territory, our magic there is still strong. Strong enough to cloak your true identity and allow you to infiltrate the ranks of Dragonmaw.

I have prepared this letter for you to present to their leader, Overlord Mor'ghor. Fly headlong into the maw of our enemy and seek out Dragonmaw Base Camp to start your new life as a fel orc of Illidan Stormrage.


<Mor'ghor grunts.>

You're late...


<Mor'ghor reads the letter and laughs.>

A death knight? You couldn't shine the boots of a death knight, maggot.

<Mor'ghor looks you over.>

But yes... You might be able to work your way up to peon. At the worst, I'll toss you into the pit and leave you to die...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1250 experience (75at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withNetherwing


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