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Quick Facts
  • Level: 10
  • Requires level: 9
  • Side: Alliance
  • Sharable
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Report to Gryan Stoutmantle

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Talk to Gryan Stoutmantle. He usually can be found in the stone tower on Sentinel Hill, just off the road, in the middle of Westfall.


Looks to me you've seen quite a bit of combat in your time, <class>. If you haven't already, you should report to Gryan Stoutmantle. He heads up the People's Militia, aimed at protecting the farmlands of Westfall. I bet he could use your help. You can usually find him in the stone tower on Sentinel Hill, just off the road in the middle of Westfall.


Also, you get:250


An... Any luck??


Ah, so my friend sent you here? How kind.

Well the Stormwind Monarchy has abandoned our cause. Now it is up to the People's Militia to keep the land free from corruption. If our cause interests you, I can put your combat skills to use in the name of freedom.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 650 experience (390at max. level)
  • 150 Reputation withStormwind


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