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Little Embers

Mosswood the Ancient wants you to kill 8 Scorch Imps and then return to him in Ruuan Weald.
Scorch Imp slain (8)


Northeast of here, on the plateau above us lies the burnt ashes of my ancient home. A great wood flourished there before the Burning Legion sent their imps to burn us away. So many died that even centuries later my tired old heart hungers for revenge. There are too many of them for us to ever reclaim the land, but you could make them afraid.

Surely you will help me?


Also, you get:370


Soon I will sleep the deep sleep of the forest. Before I dig my roots deep and close these old eyes forever I hope to know that those wretched imps suffered and perished.


There are so many that we could never kill them all, but you have given me hope. Perhaps I shall try harder for the next few centuries to revive my beloved wood.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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