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Culling the Wild

Slay 4 Felsworn Scalewing, 4 Felsworn Daggermaw, and 2 Fel Corrupters.
Felsworn Scalewing slain (4)
Felsworn Daggermaw slain (4)
Fel Corrupter slain (2)


The number of atrocities committed by the Burning Legion is countless. Even as we speak, they send their legion forces against the creatures of this land. Helpless to defend against their power, they fall one by one. <name>, help me stop these crimes of nature destroy all which they corrupt.

Over the hill, east of here, you will see the corruption spreading across Bladed Gulch. Kill the ones causing the crime, the Fel Corrupters, and as many Felsworn as you can.


Also, you get:290


Have you delivered the hand of justice?


I do not pride myself knowing we destroyed what Elune has created, but the corruption needed to be stopped. You have done well <class>.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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