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4. Maxnar Must Die!
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Maxnar Must Die!

Slay Maxnar the Ashmaw.
Maxnar the Ashmaw slain


They've left us no choice, <name>. It's time to put an end to the threat from the Blackwing Coven by taking out their leader, Maxnar the Ashmaw.

I don't know if you caught a glimpse of him while you were in there, but he's one of the dragonkin, half-man, half-dragon. And he's tough, so don't underestimate him!

Finish it quickly and with any luck you'll secure the safety of Evergrove and the Ruuan Weald.


You can choose one of these awards:
Coven Britches
Chest of the Wyrmcult
Dragonkin Shirt
Blackwing Helm
Also, you get:780


You've dealt with Maxnar the Ashmaw already?

Are you having trouble finding him? As I understand it if you head to the right once you enter their caverns, it will eventually curve around and lead you to him.


Now we can breathe more easily knowing that the leader of our enemy has been dealt with. Not only that, but you've saved the entire mountain range from their depredations.

Whatever their ultimate goals, you've foiled them!

You have our gratitude, <name>. Please accept this token of our esteem, as well as our unending hospitality.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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