Use Rexxar's Battle Horn at the Altar of Goc, then kill Goc.Goc slain | |
Rexxar's Battle Horn | |
Suggested Players [3] |
Rexxar's Battle Horn |
Now it comes to this. We will bring Goc forth from his lair, and we will destroy him. With Goc dead, the Bladespire ogres will threaten the Mok'Nathal no longer. Go to Goc's altar outside Gruul's Lair, then blow my horn. I will come, and we will face the son of Gruul together.Reward
You can choose one of these awards:Tourmaline Crown | Clefthoof Hide Leggings | Oilcloth Breeches | Malefactor's Eyepatch | Leonine Breastplate | Blackened Chestplate |
Only through the deaths of Goc and Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater will we free the Mok'Nathal.Completion
The battle was hard and you fought well, <name>. I am honored to have stood by your side in the battle against Goc. I am thankful beyond words.The Mok'Nathal should know of these great defeats, but I am not ready to face them yet. I know my father's mind, and I know my heart. There is still much I can learn and do to become stronger, to show to him that I am his true son.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 19000 experience (1140at max. level)