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Quick Facts
  • Level: 67
  • Requires level: 65
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Leoroxx
  • End: Rexxar
  • Sharable
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Speak with Rexxar at Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


So you come from the world beyond the Portal? And you know of Rexxar. Oh yes, I am quite familiar with him.

You see, he is my son.

But he made his choice a lifetime ago. He is not one of us, and he is not welcome here. We have enough troubles with the Bloodmaul ogres.

Know this: being born a half-breed does not make you Mok'Nathal.


So my father does live. I did not expect him to forgive - that was never his way. But I had hoped that the years had dulled the anger he must have felt at my departure.

Thirty years ago, I left the Mok'Nathal to follow the Horde to Azeroth. Leoroxx was staunchly against it, but then, he never gave me any reason to stay. Still, I had hoped for a better welcome than this.

He wanted a Mok'Nathal for a son and he has one now, even if he will not know it.

I must open his eyes.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2900 experience (174at max. level)


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