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Quick Facts
  • Level: 52
  • Requires level: 50
  • Side: Both
  • Class: Paladin
3. Wisdom of the Banshee Queen
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Wisdom of the Banshee Queen

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Bring the Scourgestone Fragments to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Undercity.
Scourgestone Fragments
Provided Item:
Scourgestone Fragments


The scourgestones are weak when separated from the skeletal grasp that once held them. Simply holding them in my hands has caused them to fracture and break.

<Mehlar crushes the scourgestones into a pile of rubble.>

Take these fragments to the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, at her throne in Undercity. With her lies the knowledge to turn these remains into a weapon against the Scourge.


Do you have something for me, <race>?


These stones carry a taint I do not wish to remember, but one I cannot forget. You try my patience dangerously by bringing these to me.

However, it is clear your heart seeks the same vengeance as I, and I will aid you with instruction.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 3650 experience (219at max. level)


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