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3. Grimnok and Korgaah, I Am For You!
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Grimnok and Korgaah, I Am For You!

Slay Grimnok Battleborn and Korgaah.
Grimnok Battleborn slain
Korgaah slain


T'chali has been waiting for his revenge!

The day they bury T'chali and leave him to die, it was Grimnok Battleborn that led them. And the next day it was Korgaah that come south to raid and kick T'chali in the head.

I want them dead!

You will find Grimnok atop the Southmaul Tower in Bloodmaul Outpost. You will find Korgaah in the top of a building at the north end of Bladespire Hold. Korgaah has sober defenders, so use the brew to distract him away from them, because they won't drink.


Also, you get:370


You think T'chali likes being this way? No!

So, have you exacted me revenge yet? Are Grimnok and Korgaah dead?


T'chali is pleased that Korgaah and Grimnok Battleborn are pushing up daisies just like him.

But T'chali's thirst for revenge is not quenched. There's one more thing that you must do!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11650 experience (699at max. level)


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