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3. Planting the Banner
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Planting the Banner

Use the Bladespire Banner atop the Northmaul Tower to lure Gurn Grubnosh. Collect the Bladespire Clan Banner and the Helm of Gurn Grubnosh.
Bladespire Clan Banner
Helm of Gurn Grubnosh
Suggested Players [3]


I want you to steal the Bladespire banner from one of their champions and take it south to Bloodmaul Outpost. Plant it atop their Northmaul Tower.

This will infuriate the Bloodmaul and they will attack you relentlessly. But it will also keep their hatred focused on Bladespire Hold, and away from Sylvanaar.

You will know you have accomplished the deed when you have defeated Gurn Grubnosh and taken his helm. Return it to Sylvanaar.

<name>, this isn't going to be easy. Take a friend or two with you.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sylvanaar Elite Caster's Armor
Ogre Assassin's Britches
Gurn's Horned Helmet
Sylvanaar Champion's Shoulders
Also, you get:740


What brings you to me? Surely not more trouble with the Bloodmaul ogre clan?


Gurn Grubnosh's helm and a Bladespire banner?

Quite clever of you and the vindicator to come up with that plan.

By keeping the attention of the Bloodmaul clan on Bladespire Hold, you've relieved the pressure that they were beginning to assert upon us here.

Please, <name>, accept a humble gift from Sylvanaar.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 14600 experience (876at max. level)


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