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3. Protecting Our Own
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Protecting Our Own

Use Rina's Bough on 5 of the Grove Seedlings to summon forth defenses for the Living Grove.
Living Grove Defenders summoned (5)
Rina's Bough
Provided Item:
Rina's Bough


Though you've done a great deal of good work in defense of our new home here, I still feel that the Living Grove needs more protection.

Please, take this small tree bough that I have imbued with the force of nature. When used upon the seedlings that I have planted out in the grove, it will call down a storm to accelerate the growth of a treant defender.

These treants are critical to the defense of the grove, especially if you choose not to make Sylvanaar your home for long.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sylvanaar Gloves
Living Grove Shoulderpads
Protector's Boots
Sentinel Armbands
Also, you get:350


How fares the bolstering of the Living Grove's defenses?

With the intentions of the arakkoa at Veil Lashh unknown, and the Horde just on the other side of the ravine, I fear that if we do not move quickly we will find ourselves in a poor situation to protect our new home and our work in the grove.


Now that you have strengthened the grove's defenses, I feel much safer.

You've earned our thanks and appreciation, <name>.

Of course, it just occurred to me that there's something else that we need to take care of!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11300 experience (678at max. level)



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