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Vile Plans

Take the Burning Legion Missive to Magister Bloodhawk in Thrallmar.
Burning Legion Missive
Provided Item:
Burning Legion Missive


The text on the note is written in some dark, indecipherable scrawl. The more you stare at them, the more the symbols seem to twist and burn before your eyes. There is only one in Thrallmar that can transcribe such vile script - the blood elf Magister Bloodhawk.


I have little time to waste, <class>. What is this you pester me with?


You were right to bring this to my attention. This could be a production order for additional fel reavers - or new attack plans! This will take some time to decipher. Leave me. I will summon you when I know more.

<Magister Bloodhawk nods to you as you turn to leave>

You are a sharp one, <name>. I shall be watching your progress with interest.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 4850 experience (291at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThrallmar


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