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Quick Facts
  • Level: 62
  • Requires level: 60
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Naladu
  • End: Naladu
4. Arzeth's Demise
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Arzeth's Demise

Use the Staff of Dreghood Elders on Arzeth the Merciless and slay him after he's lost his powers. Return to Naladu at the Ruins of Sha'naar after completing this task.
Arzeth the Powerless slain
Staff of the Dreghood Elders
Provided Item:
Staff of the Dreghood Elders


Yes, the elemental spirits have returned to us! We are not as strong as we once were, but a little magic can go a long way in the right hands.

Arzeth has great powers bestowed upon him by his dark lord. Take this staff. It was once a great symbol of our tribe. Use it against Arzeth and his powers will be temporarily removed from him. Defeat him then, so that my people may finally be free!


Also, you get:540


Is it done, <name>? Is Arzeth dead?


It is true, <name>. I was once Naladu the Keeper of Earth.

It was I who betrayed the other Dreghood elders in exchange for empty promises of power. You can despise me now if you wish to. What matters is that my tribe is free once again and that the spirits have returned to us.

I will not be joining the rest of the tribe, but I can die in peace now. May the spirit of earth find a new servant among my brothers.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 12600 experience (756at max. level)


Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/02/15 (Patch 4.3.4)
Nincs benn az NPC


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