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Conjurer Luminrath

Locate Conjurer Luminrath's quarters in Wizard Row and return the mantle to his Dresser. Then, speak with Custodian Dieworth at Kirin'Var Village.
Put Luminrath's Spirit to Rest
Provided Item:
Luminrath's Mantle


The cloak, undoubtedly of high elven craftsmanship, is richly tailored, even by the standards of the Kirin Tor. The symbols and characters sewn into the cloak's fabric hold no meaning for you, but clearly imbue the garment with magical properties.

Perhaps this object binds the spirit of its former owner to this plane of existence. If so, returning it to the dresser in Conjurer Luminrath's quarters might break the spirit's link to this world, allowing it to rest.


What have you found, <name>?


We used to always comment that Luminrath would wear that cloak with just about anything. To him, red went equally well with white, black, purple, blue, yellow, orange, and green. He would never wear the same robe two days in a row, but the cloak was always there...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 12300 experience (738at max. level)


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