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1. Decipher the Tome
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Decipher the Tome

Take the Mysterious Tome to Althen the Historian in Spinebreaker Post.
A Mysterious Tome
Provided Item:
A Mysterious Tome


This tome appears to be some sort of history written in a secret Alliance cipher. Althen, the historian in Spinebreaker Post, has studied the Unyielding for some time; he may be able to crack the Alliance code and decipher the book.


What is this? A book carried by an Unyielding spirit? How strange. Let me study it. Perhaps I can learn the history of the Unyielding.


I have studied ancient history my entire un-life. I have never seen anything like this book. It tells the entire history of the Armory, including events that happened after its destruction.

The Unyielding have kept their history, even after they had fallen in battle. With this book we will be able to understand the Unyielding and convince them to join us.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 975 experience (5850at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withThrallmar


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