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2. The Mastermind
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The Mastermind

Locate and kill Z'kral in the mines beneath Honor Hold, then report back to Foreman Biggums.
Z'kral slain


Those infernal gan'arg keep scurrying into the mine! For each one you kill, two or three more seem to take its place!

There's got to be someone down there in the deepest reaches of the mine directing the incursion. You seemed to do well against them last time, and Light knows you're the only one brave enough to venture back into the mine. Find out who's responsible for this disturbance and make him pay!


You can choose one of these awards:
Miner's Brace Foreman's Sash Heavy Miner's Belt
Also, you get:2


I'm almost afraid to ask. Seeing you come out of the mine alive means one of two things: either you killed the bastard, or you lost your nerve. Well, which is it?


I'm glad you managed to take care of, of... what did you say he called himself? Z'kral?

From your description, it sounds more like an 'it' than a 'him' but all that matters is it's dead.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 9800 experience (588at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withHonor Hold

