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Quick Facts
  • Level: 65
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Faction: The Aldor
  • Health: 4,347
  • Mana: 6,443
  • Related:
    • Kelara
  • Damage: 232 - 349
  • Armor: 4,214
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report

Kelara <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms>

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script


13370447LegsCloth Armor1
133701054ChestMail Armor1
133701054ChestMail Armor1
133701054ChestMail Armor1
13370659HandsMail Armor1
13370659HandsMail Armor1
13370659HandsMail Armor1
13370856HeadMail Armor1
13370856HeadMail Armor1
13370856HeadMail Armor1
13370922LegsMail Armor1
13370922LegsMail Armor1
13370922LegsMail Armor1
13370790ShoulderMail Armor1
13370790ShoulderMail Armor1
13370790ShoulderMail Armor1
13370415HeadCloth Armor1
13370415HeadCloth Armor1
133701512ChestPlate Armor1
133701512ChestPlate Armor1
133701512ChestPlate Armor1
133701228HeadPlate Armor1
13370945HandsPlate Armor1
13370945HandsPlate Armor1
133701228HeadPlate Armor1
133701323LegsPlate Armor1
13370945HandsPlate Armor1
133701323LegsPlate Armor1
133701323LegsPlate Armor1
133701134ShoulderPlate Armor1
133701134ShoulderPlate Armor1
133701134ShoulderPlate Armor1
133701228HeadPlate Armor1
13370703ChestLeather Armor1
13370439HandsLeather Armor1
13370571HeadLeather Armor1
13370615LegsLeather Armor1
13370527ShoulderLeather Armor1
133701228HeadPlate Armor1
133701512ChestPlate Armor1
133701512ChestPlate Armor1
13370945HandsPlate Armor1
133701228HeadPlate Armor1
133701323LegsPlate Armor1
13370945HandsPlate Armor1
133701323LegsPlate Armor1
133701134ShoulderPlate Armor1
133701134ShoulderPlate Armor1
13370319HandsCloth Armor1
13370319HandsCloth Armor1


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