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Quick Facts
  • Level: 16 - 17
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Beast - Wolf
  • Health: 356 - 386
  • Related:
    • Bloodsnout Worg
  • Damage: 25 - 37
  • Armor: 688 - 722
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report

Bloodsnout Worg

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script


1Other (Trade Goods)70
15Other (Trade Goods)3
20Simple Gem0.3
1611Cloth Armor0.2
15Simple Gem0.2
1611One-Handed Sword0.2
1813Cloth Armor0.1
1712Leather Armor0.1
1611Cloth Armor0.1
1611Mail Armor0.1
25Simple Gem0.1
10Metal & Stone0.1
1712Cloth Armor0.1
1611Two-Handed Sword0.1
1611Cloth Armor0.1
1712Cloth Armor0.1
1611Cloth Armor0.1
1611Leather Armor0.1
1611Two-Handed Axe0.1
1611Leather Armor0.1
1813Cloth Armor0.1
1712Mail Armor0.1
1712Mail Armor0.1
1712Leather Armor0.1
1611Cloth Armor0.1
1712Misc. (Armor)0.1
1712One-Handed Mace0.1
1712Cloth Armor0.1
1712Cloth Armor0.1
1813Two-Handed Sword0.1
1712Mail Armor0.1
1510Leather Armor0.1
1510Mail Armor0.1
1712Mail Armor0.1
1813One-Handed Sword0.1
1712Leather Armor0.1
1611Mail Armor0.1
1813Cloth Armor0.1
1813Two-Handed Axe0.1
1712Leather Armor0.1
19Tailoring Pattern0.1
19Tailoring Pattern0.1
1510Two-Handed Mace0.1
1510Cloth Armor0.1


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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
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  • Ez a TauriShoot egy elavult verziója. Lehet, hogy inkább az új oldalon oldalon szeretnél kommentelni.

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