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Spellbinder Belt

Spellbinder Belt
22 Armor
Durability 30 / 30
Requires Level 8
Item Level 13
Sell Price: 61


Greymist Coastrunner12 - 13A HHumanoid63
A HHumanoid1
Councilman Thatcher
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.9
Chieftain Zul'Marosh11A HHumanoid0.8
A HElemental0.7
Councilman Wilhelm
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.7
Councilman Brunswick
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.6
Pyrewood Armorer14 - 15A HHumanoid0.6
Pyrewood Watcher13 - 14A HHumanoid0.5
Old Whitebark10A HElemental0.5
Councilman Hendricks
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.4
Councilman Cooper
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.4
Councilman Higarth
<Pyrewood Council>
13A HHumanoid0.4
Spearcrafter Otembe10A HHumanoid0.4
Wandering Spirit10 - 11A HUndead0.4
Kobold Digger14A HHumanoid0.3
Riverpaw Taskmaster13 - 14A HHumanoid0.3
Murloc Oracle13 - 14A HHumanoid0.3
Sergeant Brashclaw13
A HHumanoid0.3
Scarlet Neophyte10 - 11A HHumanoid0.3
Cliff Lurker13 - 14A HBeast0.3
Loch Frenzy12 - 13A HBeast0.3
Dark Iron Raider14A HHumanoid0.3
Mining Monkey14A HBeast0.3
Defias Looter12A HHumanoid0.2
Stonesplinter Seer13 - 14A HHumanoid0.2
Old Icebeard11
A HHumanoid0.2
Rot Hide Mystic12 - 13A HUndead0.2
Ravenclaw Servant13 - 14A HUndead0.2
Nightlash14A HUndead0.2
Riverpaw Brute13A HHumanoid0.2
Tunnel Rat Geomancer12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Mining Monkey14A HBeast0.2
Defias Trapper12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Riverpaw Herbalist12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Stonesplinter Worker12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Moonbrook Thug13 - 14A HHumanoid0.2
Chasm Slime13 - 14A Hundefined0.2
Riverpaw Brute13A HHumanoid0.2
Shore Crawler13 - 14A HBeast0.2
Stonewing Slayer13 - 14A HUndead0.2
Blue Flutterer9 - 11A HBeast0.2
Stonesplinter Skullthumper13 - 14A HHumanoid0.2
Vile Fin Shredder12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
A HBeast0.2
Riverpaw Mongrel12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Tunnel Rat Surveyor11 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Riverpaw Herbalist12 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Skitterweb Matriarch13A HBeast0.2
Grizzled Black Bear13 - 14A HBeast0.2
Moonrage Darksoul13 - 14A HHumanoid0.2
Highlands Fox13 - 14A HBeast0.2
Hillsbrad Worgen11 - 13A HHumanoid0.2
Worgen Renegade
<Gilneas Liberation Front>
10 - 11A HHumanoid0.2
Ol' Beaky14A HBeast0.1
Tunnel Rat Digger12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Moonrage Glutton12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Pyrewood Elder14 - 15A HHumanoid0.1
Gilnean Hound13 - 14A HBeast0.1
Sunwing Squawker14A HBeast0.1
Worgen Rebel
<Gilneas Liberation Front>
13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1
Tunnel Rat Forager11 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Lillith Nefara12A HUndead0.1
Rogue Wizard9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1
Vicious Night Web Spider9 - 10A HBeast0.1
Ravenous Darkhound9 - 10A HBeast0.1
Scarlet Vanguard10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1
Scarlet Friar9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1
Bloodfang Stalker11 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
"Commander" Nazrim13A HHumanoid0.1
Morgaine the Sly9
A HHumanoid0.1
Rockjaw Backbreaker11 - 12A HHumanoid0.1
Ravenclaw Slave11 - 12A HUndead0.1
Pyrewood Tailor14 - 15A HHumanoid0.1
Bodyguard10A HHumanoid0.1
Hillsbrad Worgen12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Foreman Sharpsneer13A HHumanoid0.1
Tunnel Rat Vermin12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Caretaker Smithers13A HHumanoid0.1
Bloodfang Scavenger11 - 12A HHumanoid0.1
Riverpaw Bandit12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Bluegill Wanderer12 - 14A HHumanoid0.1
Defias Miner14A HHumanoid0.1
Harvest Golem11 - 12A HMechanical0.1
Redridge Thrasher14 - 15A HHumanoid0.1
Undead Dynamiter14 - 15A HUndead0.1
A HHumanoid0.1
Riverpaw Outrunner9 - 10A HHumanoid0.1
Pyrewood Sentry14 - 15A HHumanoid0.1
Riverpaw Mystic13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1
Riverpaw Bandit12 - 13A HHumanoid0.1
Tarantula14 - 16A HBeast0.1
Jango Spothide14A HHumanoid0.1
Snow Leopard9 - 11A HBeast0.1
Goretusk11 - 13A HBeast0.1
Greater Fleshripper12 - 13A HBeast0.1
Murloc Tidehunter13 - 14A HHumanoid0.1
Murloc Coastrunner10 - 11A HHumanoid0.1
Fleshripper11 - 12A HBeast0.1
Darkwraith9 - 10A HUndead0.1


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