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Scourge Curio


Crypt Reaver81
A HUndead60
Patchwork Golem81
A HUndead60
Bile Retcher81
A HUndead60
Mad Scientist81
A HUndead60
Surgical Assistant81
A HUndead60
Plague Beast80 - 81
A HUndead60
Death Knight Cavalier81
A HUndead60
Necro Knight80 - 81
A HUndead60
Skeletal Smith81
A HUndead60
Infectious Ghoul81
A HUndead60
Unstable Mur'ghoul70 - 71A HUndead60
Mur'ghoul Flesheater71A HUndead60
Mur'ghoul Corrupter71A HUndead60
Putrid Wight70 - 71A HUndead60
Deathless Watcher70 - 71A HUndead60
Fearsome Horror70 - 71A HUndead60
Vrykul Soul70 - 71A HUndead60
Servitor Shade70A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Invader68 - 69A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Venomspitter70 - 71A HUndead60
Forlorn Soul70 - 71A HUndead60
Risen Vrykul Ancestor69 - 70A HUndead60
Blood Shade69 - 70A HUndead60
Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit65 - 71A HUndead60
Crypt Crawler68 - 69A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Web Lord69A HUndead60
Risen Longrunner69 - 70A HUndead60
Ghostly Sage69 - 70A HUndead60
En'kilah Abomination71A HUndead60
En'kilah Crypt Fiend70 - 71A HUndead60
En'kilah Gargoyle71A HUndead60
En'kilah Ghoul70A HUndead60
Naxxanar Skeletal Mage72A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Corpse Harvester68 - 69A HUndead60
Scourged Flamespitter68 - 69A HUndead60
Warsong Aberration69A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Warrior70 - 71A HUndead60
Nerub'ar Tunneler70 - 71A HUndead60
Plagued Scavenger68 - 69A HUndead60
Festering Ghoul70 - 71A HUndead60
Vengeful Taunka Spirit70 - 71A HUndead60
Talramas Abomination71A HUndead60
Scourged Footman68 - 69A HUndead60
Bone Warrior70 - 71A HUndead60
Ziggurat Defender69 - 71A HUndead60
Indu'le Mystic71 - 72A HUndead60
Indu'le Fisherman71 - 72A HUndead60
Indu'le Warrior71A HUndead60
Anub'ar Ambusher71 - 72A HUndead60
Anub'ar Dreadweaver71 - 72A HUndead60
Moonrest Highborne71 - 72A HUndead60
Diseased Drakkari68 - 73A HUndead60
Scourge Corpserender73A HUndead60
Wastes Digger72 - 73A HUndead60
Wastes Taskmaster68 - 73A HHumanoid60
Anub'ar Underlord71 - 72A HUndead60
Anub'ar Slayer71A HUndead60
Undead Miner74 - 75A HUndead60
Decrepit Necromancer73 - 74A HHumanoid60
Reanimated Drakkari Tribesman73 - 74A HUndead60
Hulking Atrocity69 - 74A HUndead60
Shade of Arugal75
A HUndead60
Forgotten Captain72 - 73A HUndead60
Forgotten Knight71 - 72A HUndead60
Forgotten Rifleman71 - 72A HUndead60
Forgotten Peasant71A HUndead60
Forgotten Footman71 - 72A HUndead60
Rotting Storm Giant73 - 74
A HUndead60
Risen Villager70 - 71A HUndead60
Risen Wintergarde Mage71 - 72A HUndead60
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72A HUndead60
Dreadbone Invader72A HUndead60
Mindless Wight72A HUndead60
Death Knight Champion72A HUndead60
Smoldering Skeleton73A HUndead60
Smoldering Construct73 - 74A HUndead60
Smoldering Geist73 - 74A HUndead60
Vengeful Geist71 - 72A HUndead60
Risen Wintergarde Miner71 - 72A HUndead60
Scourge Siegesmith72A HUndead60
Frigid Geist72 - 73A HUndead60
Frigid Ghoul71 - 72A HUndead60
Enraged Apparition71A HUndead60
Reanimated Noble71 - 72A HUndead60
Scourge Deathspeaker72 - 73A HHumanoid60
Tattered Abomination68 - 73A HUndead60
Leprous Servant71A HUndead60
Drakkari Plague Spreader73A HUndead60
Carrion Eater75 - 76A HUndead60
Rotting Abomination75 - 76A HUndead60
Rampaging Geist75 - 76A HUndead60
Blighted Corpse72 - 77A HUndead60
Bonescythe Ravager75 - 76A HUndead60
Withered Argent Footman75 - 76A HUndead60
Sky Terror75 - 76A HUndead60
Hath'ar Necromagus70 - 76A HUndead60
Hath'ar Skimmer71 - 76A HUndead60
Scourged Argent Footman75 - 76A HUndead60
Hath'ar Broodmaster75 - 76A HUndead60
Withered Troll74 - 75A HUndead60


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