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Drakkari Offerings

Drakkari Offerings
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Item Level 1
"These can be used 10 at a time at various Drakkari troll god shrines to gain their blessings."
Sell Price: 2 50


Crazed Water Spirit70 - 76A HElemental20
Carrion Eater75 - 76A HUndead20
Rotting Abomination75 - 76A HUndead20
Rampaging Geist75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakkari Snake Handler75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Priest of Sseratus75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Champion of Sseratus75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Prophet of Sseratus76
A HHumanoid20
Watery Lord76A HElemental20
Lurking Basilisk71 - 76A HBeast20
Muddled Prophet of Sseratus76A HHumanoid20
Withered Argent Footman75 - 76A HUndead20
Gorged Lurking Basilisk75 - 76A HBeast20
Trapdoor Crawler70 - 76A HBeast20
Zul'Drak Bat75 - 76A HBeast20
<The Hope Ender>
A HUndead20
Sky Terror75 - 76A HUndead20
Malas the Corrupter76A HUndead20
Hath'ar Necromagus70 - 76A HUndead20
Hath'ar Skimmer71 - 76A HUndead20
Scourged Argent Footman75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakkari Water Binder75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Mossy Rampager75 - 76A HElemental20
Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Jin'Alai Warrior76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Claw of Har'koa76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Har'koan Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa76 - 77A HBeast20
Frozen Earth71 - 77A HElemental20
Hath'ar Broodmaster75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakkari Captive70 - 76A HUndead20
Priest of Rhunok76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Drakkari Bear Trapper76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Prophet of Rhunok77A HHumanoid20
Heb'Drakkar Striker76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Scion of Quetz'lun76 - 77A HBeast20
Kutube'sa77A HHumanoid20
Gawanil77A HHumanoid20
Chulo the Mad77A HHumanoid20
Jin'Alai Medicine Man76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Withered Troll74 - 75A HUndead20
Putrid Abomination74 - 75A HUndead20
Decaying Ghoul75 - 76A HUndead20
Rhunok's Tormentor77A HHumanoid20
Guardian of Zim'Rhuk76 - 77A HElemental20
Heb'Drakkar Headhunter76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Blightguard74 - 75A HUndead20
Quetz'lun Worshipper76 - 77A HUndead20
Serpent-Touched Berserker76 - 77A HUndead20
Blight Geist74 - 75A HUndead20
Flying Fiend75 - 76A HUndead20
Blood of Mam'toth76 - 77A HUncategorized20
Altar Warden76 - 77A HElemental20
A HUndead20
Servant of Drakuru75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakuru's Guard75 - 76A HUndead20
Bloated Abomination75 - 76A HUndead20
Prophet of Har'koa77A HHumanoid20
Enraged Mammoth76 - 77A HBeast20
Mam'toth Disciple76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Shalewing76A HUndead20
Shalewing76A HUndead20
Enchanted Tiki Warrior76 - 77A HUncategorized20
Warlord Zol'Maz77
A HHumanoid20
<Warlord Zol'Maz's Wife>
77A HHumanoid20
<Warlord Zol'Maz's Daughter>
77A HHumanoid20
<Warlord Zol'Maz's Son>
77A HHumanoid20
Blightblood Troll77
A HUndead20
Akali Subduer76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Kolramas Slime76A HUncategorized20
Lost Drakkari Spirit75 - 76A HUndead20
Disturbed Soul75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakkari Native75 - 76A HHumanoid20
Gundrak Savage76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Gundrak Brute76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Gundrak Fire-eater76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Icepaw Bear76 - 77A HBeast20
Frost Leopard76 - 77A HBeast20
Gundrak Bat Rider76 - 77A HHumanoid20
Icetouched Earthrager74 - 75A HElemental20
Vargul Deathwaker75 - 76A HUndead20
Vargul Runelord75 - 76A HUndead20
Vargul Slayer75 - 76A HUndead20
Vargul Blighthound74 - 75A HBeast20
Vargul Plaguetalon74 - 75A HBeast20
Banshee Soulclaimer75 - 76A HUndead20
Drakuru Blood Drinker74 - 75A HUndead20
Drakuru Berserker70 - 75A HUndead20
Drakuru Prophet74 - 75A HUndead20
Drakuru Raptor74 - 75A HBeast20
Drakuru Raptor Rider74 - 75A HUndead20


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