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Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 30 19 8
  • Disenchantable (325)

Flintlock Gun

Flintlock Gun
Binds when equipped
<Random enchantment>
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 68
Item Level 134
Sell Price: 6 3 81

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Champion (5.26316% chance)
    +11 Strength, +17 Stamina, +11 Dodge Rating
  • ...of the Beast (5.26316% chance)
    +11 Hit Rating, +11 Critical Strike Rating, +17 Stamina
  • ...of the Bandit (5.26316% chance)
    +11 Agility, +17 Stamina, +11 Critical Strike Rating
  • ...of Power (5.26316% chance)
    +44 Attack Power
  • ...of Intellect (5.26316% chance)
    +22 Intellect
  • ...of Agility (5.26316% chance)
    +22 Agility
  • ...of Strength (5.26316% chance)
    +22 Strength
  • ...of Stamina (5.26316% chance)
    +33 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (5.26316% chance)
    +22 Spirit
  • ...of the Tiger (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Agility, +14 Hit Rating
  • ...of the Wolf (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Agility, +14 Spirit
  • ...of the Boar (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Spirit, +14 Strength
  • ...of the Falcon (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Agility, +14 Intellect
  • ...of the Gorilla (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Intellect, +14 Strength
  • ...of the Owl (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Intellect, +14 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Spirit, +22 Stamina
  • ...of the Bear (5.26316% chance)
    +22 Stamina, +14 Strength
  • ...of the Eagle (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Intellect, +22 Stamina
  • ...of the Monkey (5.26316% chance)
    +14 Agility, +22 Stamina


Horde Commander71
A HHumanoid0.1
Risen Villager70 - 71A HUndead0.1
Alliance Commander71
A HHumanoid0.1
Yorus the Flesh Harvester69A HHumanoid0.1
Winterskorn Rune-Seer70 - 71A HHumanoid0.1
Reef Cow70A HBeast0.1
Crystalline Tender70 - 71
A HHumanoid0
Alliance Cleric71
A HHumanoid0
Orabus the Helmsman71A HHumanoid0
Crystalline Keeper70 - 71
A HElemental0
Dragonflayer Weaponsmith70
A HHumanoid0
Skadir Runecaster68 - 69A HHumanoid0
"Scoodles"71A HBeast0
Lieutenant Celeyne69A HHumanoid0
Proto-Drake Handler70
A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Soulreaver68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Ironhelm70
A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Runecaster70 - 71
A HHumanoid0
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Captain Jacobs69A HUndead0
Mage Hunter Ascendant70 - 71
A HHumanoid0
Winterskorn Berserker70 - 71A HHumanoid0
North Fleet Soldier68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Strategist70
A HHumanoid0
Chillmere Oracle70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Bloodspore Harvester68 - 69A HHumanoid0
En'kilah Ghoul70A HUndead0
Mate of Magmothregar70A HHumanoid0
Gorloc Hunter70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Steel Gate Archaeologist
<Explorers' League>
65 - 71A HHumanoid0
Tunneling Ghoul70A HUndead0
Bull Lion Seal70A HBeast0
Dragonflayer Overseer70
A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Metalworker70
A HHumanoid0
Crazed Mana-Surge70 - 71
A HElemental0
Dragonflayer Bonecrusher70 - 71
A HHumanoid0
Warsong Aberration69A HUndead0
Necrotech71A HHumanoid0
Nerub'ar Invader68 - 69A HUndead0
Winterskorn Spearman68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Kvaldir Raider68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Heartsplitter70 - 71
A HHumanoid0
Frenzied Geist70A HUndead0
Azure Enforcer70 - 71
A HDragonkin0
En'kilah Abomination71A HUndead0
Winterskorn Raider70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Mage Slayer70 - 71
A HBeast0
Forsaken Plaguebringer70A HHumanoid0
Onslaught Workman71 - 72A HHumanoid0
Risen Vrykul Ancestor69 - 70A HUndead0
Nerub'ar Web Lord69A HUndead0
Den Vermin68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Magmoth Shaman69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Dragonblight Mage Hunter71A HDragonkin0
Offspring of Magmothregar69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Coldarra Mage Slayer69A HBeast0
Prowling Worg70 - 71A HBeast0
Mutinous Sea Dog64 - 70A HHumanoid0
Crazed Northsea Slaver70A HHumanoid0
Scourged Footman68 - 69A HUndead0
Gjalerbron Rune-Caster70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Steel Gate Excavator
<Explorers' League>
66 - 71A HHumanoid0
North Fleet Marine68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Enslaved Proto-Drake70
A HDragonkin0
Scavenge-bot 005-B670 - 71A HMechanical0
Iron Rune Destroyer69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Blood Shade69 - 70A HUndead0
Nerub'ar Corpse Harvester68 - 69A HUndead0
Winterskorn Shield-Maiden70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Iron Rune Stonecaller70A HHumanoid0
Great Reef Shark70 - 71A HBeast0
Forgotten Peasant71A HUndead0
Frosthorn Ram70 - 71A HBeast0
Dragonflayer Fleshripper68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Caldemere Snapper69A HBeast0
Servitor Shade70A HUndead0
Winterskorn Warrior70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Frostwing Chimaera70 - 71A HBeast0
En'kilah Necrolord
<Cult of the Damned>
69A HHumanoid0
Ghostly Sage69 - 70A HUndead0
Kvaldir Mistweaver68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Crystalline Protector70 - 71
A HElemental0
Beryl Treasure Hunter69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Minion of Kaw69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Onslaught Knight71 - 72A HHumanoid0
Horde Cleric71
A HHumanoid0
Indu'le Warrior71A HUndead0
Iceshard Elemental70 - 71A HElemental0
Beryl Hound69 - 70A HBeast0
Loot Crazed Poacher69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Wooly Rhino Bull69A HBeast0
Gjalerbron Sleep-Watcher70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Winterfin Warrior69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Marsh Caribou70 - 71A HBeast0
Ice Elemental69A HElemental0
Winterfin Oracle69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Proto-Whelp69 - 71A HDragonkin0
Shoveltusk Stag69A HBeast0
Proto-Whelp Hatchling70 - 71A HUncategorized0
Thornvine Creeper69 - 70A HElemental0


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